Our social Causes

Animal Rights Activism & Protection

With Expert Jordan Reichart from Animal Protection Party of Canada

Quality Education For Kids

With Expert Cristina Balbas from Escuelabs


With Expert Debra Pepler from PREVNet

Environmental Activism

With Expert Léo Duguay from Tree Canada

Food Insecurity

With Experts Amanda Carol, Ted Brown, and Angela Tenthorey from Regeneration Brampton

World Peace

With Expert Dr. Evelyn Zellerer from Peace of the Circle


With Expert Jordan Reichart from Animal Protection Party of Canada

About Jordan Reichert

Jordan Reichert is the deputy leader of the Animal Protection Party of Canada and the West Coast Campaign Officer for the Animal Alliance of Canada. He has run in federal, provincial, and municipal elections in his hometown of Victoria, B.C. and worked on animal advocacy campaigns across Canada. Jordan brings a unique animal inclusive perspective to politics and social policy that puts the needs of people, animals, and the environment first.

Quality education FOR KIDS

With Expert Cristina Balbas from Escuelabs

About Cristina Balbas

Cristina is a social entrepreneur interested in educational innovation and equal opportunities. Trained in Molecular Biology, Science Communication, Social Entrepreneurship and Formal and Non-formal Education. 

“I have always been equally passionate about science and communication. I knew my ideal job would combine both disciplines. However, I believed that in order to become a good science communicator I needed to experience high-level research first hand. I majored in Molecular Biology at Princeton University, where I joined Dr. Alison Gammie’s research group. Nevertheless, after graduation I felt my exposure to research was still limited. I was interested in Biomedicine, so I decided to start a PhD at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center. During my graduate studies, I also took courses on Sience Journalism and Communication and participated in a range of public outreach activities. 

In addition to this, I helped found and direct Escuelab. Escuelab is a social project that democratizes the access to a practical, interactive scientific education, promotes research vocations and develops skills for the future amongst Spanish pupils. I completed my PhD in 2014 and I am devoting myself to the development and expansion of Escuelab while getting trained in early childhood education. We are especially focused on children at risk of social exclusion.”

Because We All Matter (Anti-Bullying) 

With Expert Debra Pepler from PREVNet

About Debra Pepler (Ph.D, C.Psych., D.Sc.(Hon) Officer of the Order of Canada)

Professor Debra Pepler is a Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology at York University. For 35 years, she has led research on aggression, bullying, and victimization among children and adolescents. From 2004 to 2012, she was a member of the Safe Schools Action Team for the Ontario Minister of Education. Her programs of research on peer and family relationships have been embedded in educational, clinical, and community programs including: the Toronto Board of Education Bullying Prevention Program, SNAP (Stop Now and Plan) program for aggressive children at the Child Development Institute, Breaking the Cycle – a program for substance using mothers and their young children, Pine River Institute for youth with addictions and mental health problems, and the Canadian Red Cross community mobilization and wellness programming in Indigenous communities. She has been involved in programs and research within over 15 Indigenous communities. She participated on the Respect and Culture Committee in conducting a systemic review at St. Michael’s College School. Dr. Pepler co-founded and co-led a federally funded national network, PREVNet (Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network) to promote healthy relationships and prevent bullying for children and youth (www.prevnet.ca). Her research has informed practice and policy related to children and youths’ relationships and violence prevention. In this capacity, she served as a Senior Research Fellow at the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre and is currently working to support Canada’s participation in the Global Initiative to End Violence Against Children aligned with the Sustainable Development Goal 16.2

environmental activism

With Expert Léo Duguay from Tree Canada

About Léo Duguay

Léo Duguay brings a wealth of experience to Tree Canada from his work in sports, community service and public life. He played semi-professional hockey before beginning his career as a teacher and high school principal in 1966.

He is a Past President of the Canadian Teachers Federation and has served on the boards of numerous community organizations, receiving awards for his hard work and dedication. Léo was named to the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame in 2007. A former Member of Parliament for St. Boniface, Manitoba, Léo served on many House of Commons Standing Committees as well as being Canada’s representative on the Human Rights Committee at the United Nations 40th Assembly. Léo joined the Rothwell Group in 2006, where he provides government relations counsel to a variety of clients. Like many Ottawa residents, Léo is proud of his own urban forest and is dealing with the effects of Emerald Ash Borer in his neighbourhood.

Food insecurity 

With Experts Amanda Carol, Ted Brown, and Angela Tenthorey of Regeneration Brampton

About Amanda Carol

Leading in a variety of contexts, Amanda Carrol has followed her passions and interests and leveraged her leadership to influence and advocate in education, athletics, international non-profit work, and church.   She strives to build capacity in those around her so that those she leads can expand their collective impact in the community. She is a Vice Principal in the Peel District School Board. Amanda is a wife, mother, and leader in education and an advocate for mental health.  She has recently joined the Board of Directors for Regeneration Outreach Community

About Ted Brown

Ted Brown has been the Chief Executive Office of Regeneration Outreach Community for the past 11 years.  He is passionate about helping people in need.  He has mentored hundreds of young people over the past forty years.  He is also an advocate for social justice.  He is married and has three grown children (two of them married), a grandson (who brings tremendous joy) and twin granddaughters on the way.

About Angela Tenthorey

Angela Tenthorey has been the Volunteer and Retreat Coordinator at Regeneration Outreach Community for the past 7 years.  The best part of her job is that I gets to meet and work with so many incredible people from our community.  She loves working with youth; helping them to find purpose and reach their potential.  Angela is  passionate about helping others, spending time in nature and laughing her way through life.  Between her husband and her, they have 5 children, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 4 chickens and a fish.  Thankfully, they all get along!

World peace

With Expert Dr. Evelyn Zellerer from Peace of the Circle

About Dr. Evelyn Zellerer

Dr. Evelyn Zellerer is the Founder/Director, Peace of the Circle – working internationally with justice agencies, governments, Indigenous First Nations, workplaces, families, schools and communities. Evelyn is a facilitator, trainer and speaker specializing in peacemaking, restorative justice, communication, and conscious governance. She earned her Ph.D. in Criminology from SFU (1996). Over the past 25 years, she has taught and led projects in diverse contexts, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Caribbean, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mozambique, Nepal, South Africa, UK, and USA. Evelyn is a published author and has presented at many national and international forums, including the United Nations.

Evelyn is a proud mom of a young adult son. When not working and traveling the world, you can find her immersed in nature, the ocean, and photography near her home in Vancouver, BC.

For more information, visit www.peaceofthecircle.com.


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